Lake Mooney Historic House Renovation

Type of contract
Fixed Price
IDIQ Task Order
Fredericksburg, VA
Completion date
October 2021

TMG was awarded the Lake Mooney Cabin Restoration project under the Stafford County JOC contract. The log cabin is from the early 1800s and was restored due to its historic value. The cabin is part of the Sanford-Burgess farm property, which is owned by Stafford County and has been incorporated into the Lake Mooney reservoir and multi-use facility.

The 1.5 story log cabin is believed to be a former quarter for enslaved farm workers associated with the Sanford family period ownership, which later was converted into a shop. The cabin has been identified as one of only a handful of surviving slave quarters in the county. The log cabin has been individually studied by scholars associated with the University of Mary Washington beginning in 2007, and again as part of the county-wide survey of slave related buildings undertaken in 2015 (Anderson, Poore, and Pogue 2015).

The cabin was documented, tagged, completely disassembled and removed from the site. The logs were treated and any rotted or missing wood was fabricated. A new foundation was built at the same placement and the cabin was reinstalled on its original site. A cabin roof was rebuilt and a new metal roof will be added, lime daubing was installed as well as the installation of siding, doors and window frames.

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