TMG is Replacing a (Now Famous) 90-Year-Old Salt Dome in Arlington

TMG Construction is currently in the process of demolishing a 90-year-old, 30-foot-high, rusted-out metal salt dome in Arlington, Virginia. The project involves clearing, grading, and paving a lot adjacent to the existing dome. The next phase involves erecting a temporary, 47-foot-high canvas facility to store road salt. The final phase involves demolishing the old and dangerous existing facility.

The Salt Dome Replacement project was awarded to TMG as an emergency purchase order by Arlington so that the salt dome could be up and operational before the 2018-19 snow season. This project was not awarded under our Arlington JOC, but Arlington relied on our reputation built from the JOC program to be able to meet their exceptionally accelerated schedule.

Last April, engineers determined that the existing salt dome was unsafe and at risk for collapsing. The facility holds about 60% of the road salt reserved for icy and snowy streets on the north side of the county. The project gained notoriety and significant press coverage when the County determined there was an urgent need to replace the salt dome before the start of the winter season and that time was too short to convene the typically extensive community discussions and survey of alternatives. The salt dome facility sits on a 7.5-acre government owned site used for storage and open space.