Construction at Walter Reed Progressing

Construction on the Walter Reed Covered Walkways and Transportation Center is moving along!  As you can see in the photos, construction of the transportation center is underway. The precast structures were set and the roof will be put on today.  Canopies will then attach to this bus shelter and connect to the dorms and the hospital.

The Government implemented the Wounded Warrior Covered Walkways and Transportation Center project at Walter Reed to provide wounded soldiers with a safe and less-encumbered route of travel between their barracks (Building 62) and the hospital.  The Covered Walkways will provide shelter and lighting for the patients over the concrete paved surfaces (sidewalks, ramps and landings) as they traverse back and forth for medical attention. The Transportation Center is conveniently located adjacent to Building 62. The purpose of the structure is to provide conditioned shelter for those patients that find it more convenient to utilize the new shuttle service that will transport them to the front door of the hospital.